Since Lomi Lomi Massage is also performed on the stomach, it improves digestion, stimulates and conditions stomach muscles. It has a rejuvenating effect on the whole of the body. Lomi Lomi Massage is helpful in treating insomnia, headaches, regulating blood pressure as well as the heart rate. Stress is one of the first causes of different ailments, which is why it is so important to find ways to relax and de-stress your body. Lomi Lomi Massage is an efficient Stress Buster as it relieves anxiety and improves yourĮmotional and mental condition. Lomi Lomi Massage therapy is a great option when you want to enjoy tender strokes slowly sliding on your skin which has been generously moisturized with aroma oils. The mild continuous strokes de-stress your body and mind they bring relaxation and inner balance. This massage is performed on the back, shoulders, stomach, head and arms. Would you like to experience an exotic Hawaiian massage technique? Then why not try Lomi Lomi, an innovative exotic massage that came to us from Hawaii, it’s a mixture of art and science.